Learn to help other people to free their minds of stress, fear and anxiety FAST and deepen your expertise as a practitioner.
Described as a “game-changing” technique for “radical healing“, Head Trash Clearance is a potent healing modality that can be used to bring about rapid improvements in emotional wellbeing and mental fitness.
Use it to heal negative emotional patterns and behaviours, internal value conflicts, disempowering beliefs, emotional triggers, sources of self sabotage, unresolved traumas and hidden emotional wounds.
Who’s this Certifcation training for?
Performance Coach
This Head Trash Clearance Certification training will …
Add a new revenue stream to your business
Provide you with a unique and innovative offering to your clients
Enable you to help your clients experience transformation quickly
Propel your self-development and level of self-awareness
Create products & group programmes that will enable you to scale
Calm your mind, reduce your anxiety and boost your confidence
Work effectively with groups large and small, with no compromise on results
Enable you to be location independent of your clients by working online
This course will pay for itself!
By the time you finish, you will be able to
start taking on new clients straight away and
add new revenue streams to your business.
What to expect from the training…
You’ve heard the saying that if you want to change others, start with yourself. This is at the heart of our philosophy.
Your ability to help others will be limited if your own head is full of head trash. This is why we start with YOU! You are the greatest inspiration and role model for those you work with.
The training has been designed in a layered approach so that you can build your expertise on strong foundations.
1: Healing YOU
We start with healing you. Once you’ve mastered recognising and clearing your own head trash, you’re ready to start helping others do the same.
This part of our training means that you’ll improve your level of emotional reslience, be better able to look after your own emotional well-being and be better at self-care. All this is essential for a capable practitioner and will make you a better professional.
2: Working with OTHERS
Now we shift the focus into teaching you how to apply what you’ve learned so that you can use the Head Trash Clearance™ with your clients.
We will explore the key concepts at a deeper level giving you a solid understanding of the basics of the modality.
You will learn help your clients to unravel how they’re feeling and then to work with them to experience change and transformation quickly.
3: Getting started
This is about establishing yourself as a practitioner. Here we cover the practical aspects of offering Head Trash Clearance so that you can start winning clients as soon as you finish the course. If you need to integrate it with other services you provide then we’ll help you to think that through.
You will finish the course feeling confident and ready to start providing new services, taking on new clients and adding new revenue streams.
Here’s how quickly Head Trash Clearance can heal …
- Needle and injection phobia: cleared in less than 5 minutes
- Pregnancy & Birth phobia (known as tokophobia) in 2 weeks
Apparently it can’t be done, but you can with Head Trash Clearance
- Fear of pain during labour in between contractions: in less than 3 minutes!
- Fear of Vomit or Being Sick: cleared in 30 minutes
- 3-year old’s fear of dinosaurs: gone in 5 minutes!
- Fear of being rejected: healed in 40 minutes
- a 9-year old’s fear of spiders: gone in 20 minutes
- Fear of intimacy and sex in 35 minutes
Hear from those who have already trained…
As someone who has been seeking freedom from my emotional baggage for over 25 years this is without doubt the jewel in the crown. Sometimes you are given an opportunity that is the key to a future of freedom, choice and flexibility. If this opportunity comes your way you HAVE to grasp it with both hands and give thanks that you are the chosen one.
I’ve just completed the Head Trash course with Alexia Leachman. This was both challenging and fun, and her ability to make a process simplified really helps. For me, as a psychotherapist it gives me a tool in my bag to work with pre and post natal issues, as well as being used in conjunction with other tools to diminish the impact of emotional issues.
Alexia’s competence, ability and generosity of spirit is impressive. I practice multiple energy methods specialising in traumatic birth and had long considered my skillset to be complete.
Alexia’s reported success in clearing anxiety in a hospital corridor intrigued me. Happily, this lead me to train with her. Alexia took our very mixed-background group on a lively and thorough introduction to a simple 5-step process.
Alexia explained Head Trash Clearance to suit our interests giving plenty of examples of the Head Trash Clearance in practice. This appealed greatly. The training was highly experiential with time for Q&A and deep discussion.
Alexia’s delivery style was relaxed; obviously founded on expertise and knowledge. As a lover of language, I appreciated ample time being given to the use of rhythm, metaphor, opposites, paradoxes and much more. Highly valuable supporting workbooks too.
I could feel changes happening in myself as well as in turn witnessing a softening, an objectivity, neutrality replace concerns and inner conflict, in the space of one short session! Head Trash Clearance has vast potential as a life-changing self-help method. And, not just someday soon, but right now.
Here’s what you’ll learn as part of your training
Part 1 – All about YOU
We start by focusing on you.
You will begin by mastering Head Trash Clearance by using it extensively on yourself. As soon as you purchase the training, you will receive access to the Clear Your Head Trash online course which means you can make a start straight away. This course includes in-depth videos, downloadable resources and audios to help you get to grips with it and get great results.
You will discover…
- How to identify and un-pick your own head trash.
- Where head trash comes from so that you can easily identify what’s stopping you from being your best.
- How Head Trash Clearance can be used to address various emotional challenges.
- How to identify and eliminate your personal triggers that get you stressed, wound up or upset.
- The various layers of head trash, and how it’s possible to identify and heal the crux of an issue quickly.
- How thinking in terms of opposites can explain WHY we experience the head trash that we do.
- How to get rid of your fears and phobias so that you can experience the life and business you desire.
This means you will…
- Be able to think more calmly and clearly about things that normally get you emotional, stressed, upset or irrational.
- Master the basics before moving onto more advanced aspects.
- Build confidence through lots of practice and opportunities to ask questions.
- Be amazed at how quickly your thinking and feelings can change around something.
Part 2 – Working with OTHERS
The focus now shifts to helping others.
Now we start to shift from viewing the technique as a self-help, DIY technique to a client-led technique.
NOTE: Part 2 is only released to you once you’ve submitted the homework from part 1. Once we’ve reviewed your submission, you are free to move onto part 2.
You will learn…
- How to elicit and unpick those aspects that need work and the specific sequence they want to be treated in.
- How to plan your clearance work with your clients.
- Why you don’t need to listen to clients telling their story to heal them (this saves a lot of session time!)
- How to help your clients completely heal their anxiety, and not just ‘manage’ it.
- The questions to ask that will uncover a deeper level of healing potential.
- How to work with anxiety disorders such as OCD and tokophobia.
- Why other therapies or modalities might be forcing you to revisit issues or re-do previous work with your clients, and how to put a stop to this.
- How to work with your clients to relieve fears and phobias quickly and elegantly.
- Why other clearance methods and therapies are limited to only clearing up to 10% of an emotional issue, and why Head Trash Clearance has the potential to clear ALL of it.
- How to measure the impact of your work using a powerful metric that you can share with your clients.
- The hidden sources of internal conflicts and anxiety that is often overlooked.
- How to combine Head Trash Clearance with other techniques or modalities such as NLP, TFT or EFT to turbo-power their effectiveness.
- How you can gauge when a problem is healed, or if it needs more work. And if so, what that is.
- Powerful and quick belief-change processes that can help your clients to let go of beliefs that are limiting them quickly and respectfully.
- How to dialogue with the body to help clients resolve suppressed problems, some of which might be manifesting as physical ailments.
Part 3 – Getting Practical
We finish by focussing on how you work with your clients.
Now we start the practical prep so that you have the confidence to start taking on new clients straightaway.
Here we look at the practical aspects of offering Head Trash Clearance and how it might differ from other sessions or services you offer.
You will discover how to…
- Prepare your clients for their Head Trash Clearance journey with you.
- Create an intake form that helps you plan for your sessions so that you can make good use of your session time.
- Integrate Head Trash Clearance with other aspects of your work.
- Run a Head Trash Clearance session and how this might differ from other session types.
- Create a client toolkit that helps you to run your sessions seamlessly and professionally.
- Run a group clearance for a class setting or for group programs.
- Plan and run a group program online or in-person.
- Create products that you can sell online for passive income.
- How you can measure the impact of your work and communicate that with your clients.
What people say about Head Trash Clearance
As a therapist who works predominantly with difficult, multiply traumatised clients, I soon realised that tapping therapies (TFT, Algo level, advanced level, VT level) helped but they did not resolve this complex stuff. They help people to cope, but stuff would recur and it was a constant battle to keep these clients in a calm place.
When I came across this it was in its infancy but its potential to improve me as a person and as a therapist revealed itself very quickly to me. When first using this tool, and even today, I am often brought to tears by the depth and speed of change that this tool can bring.
It is the first tool in my box and usually the only tool I need.
Head trash is just exceptional. It just unlocks stuff!
I’ve stopped discounting my prices… and people are paying!
I’ve been offered a honorary PhD by a top London university and I’ve made it into Forbes!
“I just had to email you to say that I’m blown away by the programme!!! I’ve been working my way through the clearance methods and it’s absolutely excellent!
Easily my best investment!!!”
Unique training that incorporates radical
personal transformation & profound realisations
Start today for only £300 / $360
Or save £250 by paying in full £2750 / $3333
Practitioner Training
- Personal guidance on clearing your own fears and anxieties
- Live classes
- Private study group
- Head Trash Clearance Practitioner Online Training
- Clear Your Head Trash course
- Online masterclasses
- Lifetime access to course materials
- Personal Assessment
- Training Certificate
SAVE £250 when you pay in full
Payment plans available.
Spread your payments over 10 months.
10 x £300 / $363
The Head Trash Clearance Practitioner Training includes …
Online Masterclasses
Enjoy lifetime access to the online classes so that you can watch them at your own pace and revisit content as much as you like.
Live Group Classes
Live classes are a key component of the training to enable you to ask questions and gain a deeper understanding of the key concepts.
Group Exercises
You will buddy up with other students to practice what you’re learning and experience even more head trash clearance.
Private study group
Join me and your peers to share your highs and lows, your successes and challenges.
You can use the space to ask questions and get support in between classes so that nothing holds you back on your learning journey.
These are Facebook and Slack.
Self Care
Doing this course will give you a powerful tool to look after your own emotional wellbeing.
You will learn a lot about yourself and become a better version of you; more confident, less anxious and calmer.
This will make you a better professional.
You will need to do assessed work on your own as part of this training.
Some of it will be essential for you to progress through the training. We take our work seriously and need you to too.
Completed assessments are required to obtain certification.
The Live Classes take place between 14h – 16h CET Europe (8am EDT, 10pm Sydney) and run every other week for 3 months.
If numbers permit (and in order to keep classes small), a second time slot will become available. This will be at 20h – 22h CET Europe (2pm EDT, 11am PDT) and will run 1 week behind the dates above.
How is it different from the tapping therapies (EFT, TFT)?
As Tapping therapist, you tap on endpoints of individual meridians, on single meridian release points. This therapy taps into all 14of your meridiansin their entirety, and at once. It uses a psychological framework that interacts with the subconscious allowing releases from all aspects and dimensions of an issue at once. No relentless tapping chasing after issues and aspects of issues. No chasing the pain. The depth and breadth of the intervention makes instant, permanent changes, with no recurrence. No need to keep re-tapping the same thing!
How is the Head Trash Clearance Method different to NLP?
The Head Trash Clearance Method is derived from Reflective Repatterning (RR) which is a technique from the field of Energy Psychology (EP). This means that it works with BOTH the mind AND body, whereas NLP is limited to working with the mind. Our emotions are communicated to us through our mind and bodies and often get stuck in our bodies. To be able to fully free ourselves of trapped and negative emotions we need to clear from mind AND body. NLP excels at helping people to model their behaviour and makes changes in line with the desired goal, but this is can sometimes be like giving someone a mask; the person underneath is still the same. Conversely, RR clears what stands between a person and their true essence. No need for modeling or masks; just authenticity.
I'm a coach, can I use this with my clients?
This works in perfect combination with coaching and can accelerate the results you’re able to achieve with your clients.
Using Head Trash Clearance can help you to uncover any sources of self-sabotage BEFORE they occur. This can save you session time and help you to create more change in less time with your clients.
I work online via Skype, can I still use this?
The Head Trash Clearance Method can be used in-person or over Skype or the phone. You don’t need to see your client or be in the same room as them. There is no effect on the outcome whether you’re in person or not, so it really depends on what works best for you and your client.
How long does it take to clear an issue?
Once an issue has been identified, a typical piece of clearance work takes around 30-45 minutes. However, this can vary with some clients needing much less and some needing more. Some clearances can happen in a matter of minutes. It depends on the issue being worked on and how interwoven the issue may be with other issues the client may have.
Does this work on phobias?
YES! This works brilliantly on phobias of all sorts.
How does the assessment work?
You will be assessed at two key stages throughout the course;
The first assessment is after Part 1 where you will be required to submit work for assessment in order to progress to Part 2.
The next assessment is for Part 2 whereby you will be assessed in your practical work with others.
Completed assessments are required to obtain the Certification.
1 assessment for each stage is included as part of this training. If further assessments are required, they will carry a £50 charge each.
When will the live classes be?
The time for the live classes will be either at 9am, 1pm or 7pm UK time. This will be confirmed once all enrollments are finalised. The class sizes will be kept small for an optimal learning environment.
The classes will run for about 2 hours.
Can I get insurance for the Head Trash Clearance?
Head Trash Clearance is derived from the Reflective Repatterning technique. Insurance is available for Reflective Repatterning at Holistic Insurance Services.
Wow! The head trash training! Just brilliant! I talked my friend’s ear off about it. She wants to do it!